What does ZWILLING Family mean to you?

We asked the people at ZWILLING worldwide what they think of our corporate values and what they mean to them in their everyday lives. The response and the results were overwhelming and heartwarming. From now on, we will publish more videos every Monday and Friday here in our Team Blog.

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ZWILLING Family Member

Zwilling for me is ...

Sometimes it's hard to put your feelings and thoughts into the right words, but our worldwide team has outdone themselves in this regard. With more than 200 contributions from the USA to Germany to China and Japan, so many members of the ZWILLING FAMILY worldwide participated!

Take a look and enjoy!

Thank you to each and every one of you! You truly bring our values to life!


world map

Warum wir ZWILLING lieben

Erfahre mehr über die einzelnen Mitglieder der ZWILLING Familie, ihren Arbeitsalltag, ihre Motivation und Inspirationsquellen.